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Current version of the Heritage Local Area Plan from the City of Calgary's website
FAQ information shared by the City at the February Open House respecting the Heritage Local Area Plan
Notwithstanding the types of development that the City has indicated it would be willing to approve after approval of the Heritage Local Area Plan, owners always retain the right to select the party to whom they wish to sell their home in due course. In other words, the City’s willingness to allow greater density on a lot after the approval of the Heritage Local Area Plan does not require an owner to sell to a developer or mean that a buyer will necessarily increase density on the lot, rather than maintaining it for a single residential home.
City of Calgary document and map used to explain the Heritage Local Area Plan​
For context about the map:
​Purple areas indicate areas of potential high development;
The darker orange shows areas “that support development of three or more ground-oriented homes”, for which “Buildings in the area year may be up to two storeys (single-detached homes, semi-detached homes, semi-detached homes rowhouses, townhouses and secondary suites);” and
The more typical light orange areas are “Locations where up to two unit development is supported (single-detached homes, semi-detached homes and secondary suites)."
The Local Area Plan itself does not rezone (redesignate) land. If a land use rezoning were brought forward by a property/landowner, it would be reviewed by City Council for alignment with the Heritage Communities Local Area Plan. City Council has the final say.
The Plan envisions that the majority of CKE would be “Neighbourhood Local” of “Limited Scale”. The Plan states:
Building forms that contain one or two residential units are supported in the Neighbourhood Local, Limited Scale area.
Building forms that contain three or more residential units should be supported on parcels with rear lanes in any one or more of the following areas:
i. Within Transition Zones in transit station areas;
ii. On corner parcels; and,
iii. Adjacent to or separated by a road or lane from a school, park or open space greater than 0.5 hectare in size with no dimension less than 25 metres.
Blanket Rezoning
Will the Heritage Plan be superseded in 2024?
On Saturday, September 16th, City council passed the “Housing Affordability Task Force Recommendations”. The recommendations can be found here.
On April 22, 2024, Council will hold a Public Hearing where they will consider designating R-GC (rowhousing) as the base residential district across Calgary, replacing R-C1 (Recommendation 1(f)). If passed, rowhousing could be built throughout CKE and other largely single-detached neighbourhoods. This would make most of the Heritage Plan irrelevant. A builder would only need to submit a development permit, and if it complied with the provisions of the R-GC district, it would be approved.